Saturday, July 13, 2013

Creating xaction with Pentaho Design Studio

We can divide the developement of xaction file in these steps -

1. Inputs
2. Process Action
3. Process Output
4. XML
1.Inputs -  We mention inputs here , we can even take value from session as input as you can see below where UserRole is taken from session.

2.Process Action -  Code for DB Query is written here, we can include IF condition also based on Session or Input value.

3.Process Output- we can set output value in session too.

4.Equivalent XML is generated for the above works. No need to write whole XML in one time.

Input Screen -

Process Action Screen : IF case
Process Action Screen : DB Query works

Process Outputs : setting output value in Session
Equivalent XML part -
     The xaction file is ready, save it.